April 2019
June 29, 2024

Beginner’s Guide to SSL Certificates

2 min read

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[vc_row][vc_column width=”9/12″][vc_column_text]You know your site needs to be secure, which requires an SSL certificate, but beyond that, you aren’t sure where to begin. Here is what you need to know about SSL certificates so you can give your site the security you need to be trusted by your customers and by Google.

An SSL Certificate Explained

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, and it is the security method that is used to protect sensitive data on your site, like a user’s credit card number, social security number, password, etc. Instead of data being sent as plain text, the SSL uses a public and private key to encrypt the data so hackers cannot see it. So the SSL certificate is essentially proof to visitors that you have this data encryption in place. Once you have the SSL certificate, your URL will begin with https instead of just http, so it is easy for visitors to identify that your site is secure.

Why an SSL Certificate Is Important

There are three reasons that you want to have an SSL certificate in place, no matter what type of website you have:

  • If you do not have an SSL certificate and your site gets hacked, you could be liable for not properly protecting the sensitive data. In fact, if you accept credit cards on your site, the Payment Card Industry requires you to have an SSL certificate.
  • With an SSL certificate, you can earn the trust of your visitors, so they will be more likely to complete a purchase on your site. If you do not have an SSL certificate, most people will not enter any personal information for fear of it being hacked.
  • When you have a secure site, you can reap the benefits of a ranking boost from Google, as sites with an https URL will rank higher if all other factors are equal.

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